简介: Ambitious young Māori detective, Ariki Davis (Dominic Ona-Ariki) arrives in Queenstown with high hopes for his future. When local legend Grub Ryder
简介: After a car accident leaves her boyfriend in a coma, April’s panic attacks return and make her life a living hell. However, once she accepts the kin
简介: Sol Goode, a charismatic L.A. twenty-something, has always relied on charm, good looks, and fast talk to glide through life. But his luck may have r
简介:本片为1997年《我知道你去年夏天乾了什么》(I Know What You Did Last Summer)的续集,制作人采用原班人马。 本片延续了第一集的故事结尾,两年前茱莉(詹妮弗·洛夫·休伊特 Jennifer Love Hewitt 饰)和朋友们开车撞死了一个 路人后众人遭到“铁钩杀手”的
简介:本片为1997年《我知道你去年夏天乾了什么》(I Know What You Did Last Summer)的续集,制作人采用原班人马。  本片延续了第一集的故事结尾,两年前茱莉(詹妮弗·洛夫·休伊特 Jennifer Love Hewitt 饰)和朋友们开车撞死了一个 路人后众人遭到“
简介:这是该乐队在登上美国谢伊体育场并在世界上取得巨大成功后失宠的权威传记《冲撞乐队的沉浮》(The Rise and Fall of The Clash)是一部2012年的纪录片,由丹尼·加西亚执导。影片聚焦于英国朋克摇滚乐队The Clash的历史和传奇故事。主要演员包括Vivianne Albert