简介: The series follows smart, capable and by the book Grace Narayan (Anjli Mohindra), who was flying high as an inner-city police sergeant before being
简介:As Rose Tyler embarks upon her first big TARDIS adventure with the newly-regenerated Doctor, they discover a sinister hospital run by strange cat peop
简介:刚刚结束牢狱之灾的纳尔逊?曼德拉(摩根?弗里曼 Morgan Freeman 饰),竞选南非总统成功他领导人们破除种族隔离制度,并身先士卒,雇佣白人护卫队,在各方面建立不同肤色的沟通作为1995年橄榄球世界杯的东道主,南非重回国际体育大家庭。不过,南非的英式橄榄球队——队员均为白人的跳羚队,却被很多