简介: Julie, a girl from the valley, meets Randy, a punk from the city. They are from different worlds and find love. Somehow they need to stay together i
简介:芝加哥发生了一桩震惊全城的恐怖血案当地一间教堂的主教罗森惨遭杀害,身上被刻上神秘数字,警方逮捕了当时在场身染血迹的犯罪嫌疑人阿伦( 爱德华·诺顿 Edward Norton 饰)。马丁(理查?基尔 Richard Gere 饰)作为阿伦的辩护律师,和他的前女友检控官珍妮特较上了劲。马丁并不在乎事实,
简介: A yacht captain, Jack Lynch, is accused of murdering his boss and raping the victim's wife, Christina Ford. Nothing is how it first appears. Jack se
简介:A genetics professor clones his dead wife, over and over, in a desperate attempt to get her back exactly as she was. 一位遗传学教授一遍又一遍地克隆着他死去的妻子,想让她完全恢复原貌