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      Russian hints that the country could hand over America's most wanted whistle blower as a favor to Donald Trump place Edward Snowden in even greater danger than before. A secret meeting between global freedom and civil rights campaigners Snowden, Birgitta Jonsdottir and Larry Lessig turns into a freewheeling discussion about the future of democracy. Birgitta Jonsdottir has been a member of Iceland's parliament since 2009. All her actions have been aimed at giving the people back their voice and opening up the parliamentary process and political decision-making. Larry Lessig is a Harvard law professor. He tirelessly denounces the influence of money in US politics and the way establishment elites collude to support each other against the public interest. The three activists agreed to be filmed during an extraordinary conversation about their ongoing struggles, the last bastions of democracy and the opportunities and choices still left to us. The questions they ask are fundamental. Can democracy be saved? What unites us? How can you tell when democracy has failed?


    • 6.0 更新至19集 出球制胜第三季 内详
    • 10.0 HD中字 谈判专家2024 刘青云,吴镇宇,刘德华,苗侨伟,姜皓文,彭秀慧,周文健,颜卓灵,杨伟伦,郑则仕,韦罗莎,洪天明,黄德斌,卢惠光,朱柏谦,黄又南,朱鉴然
    • 2.0 更新1 马戏之王 休·杰克曼,米歇尔·威廉姆斯,扎克·埃夫隆,赞达亚,丽贝卡·弗格森,奥丝汀·约翰森,卡梅伦·丝蕾,基拉·塞特尔,萨姆·汉弗莱,叶海亚·阿卜杜勒-迈丁,埃里克·安德森,伊利斯·鲁宾,斯凯勒·杜恩,丹尼尔·埃维里奇,拉杜·斯平格尔,小森优作,丹尼尔·松,保罗·斯帕克斯,威尔·斯文森
    • 6.0 更新至03集 守护解放西5 内详
    • 7.0 正片 周恩来的四个昼夜 剧情片
    • 10.0 HD中字版 校园规则 安德鲁斯·威尔森,亨里克·伦德斯特伦,古斯塔·斯卡斯加德,琳达·齐利亚克斯,加斯帕·赛伦,菲利普·伯格,Fredrik af Trampe,Richard Danielsson,Martin Svane,Rustan Blomqvist,Peter Eggers,Per Westergren,Henrik Linnros,Theodor Hoffsten,Sanna Mari Patjas,约翰·拉比斯,玛丽·理查德森,马格努斯·罗斯曼,乌尔夫·弗里贝格,Mats Bergman,伦纳特·胡尔斯特罗姆,凯


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