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    3.0 HD中字





      The Martins family are optimistic dreamers, quietly leading their lives in the margins of a major Brazilian city following the disappointing inauguration of a far-right extremist president. A lower-middle-class Black family, they feel the strain of their new reality as the political dust settles. Tércia, the mother, reinterprets her world after an unexpected encounter leaves her wondering if she’s cursed. Her husband, Wellington, puts all of his hopes into the soccer career of their son, Deivinho, who reluctantly follows his father’s ambitions despite secretly aspiring to study astrophysics and colonize Mars. Meanwhile, their older daughter, Eunice, falls in love with a free-spirited young woman and ponders whether it’s time to leave home.  Writer-director Gabriel Martins weaves a tender and uplifting tapestry of a Brazilian family whose affection for each other is palpable in every frame, mining his delightful cast for authentic performances brimming with humor and charm. Delicately balancing its characters as they find themselves and their country at a crossroads, Marte Um (Mars One) invites us to dream beyond the stars.


    • 4.0 HD中字 军舰岛 黄政民,苏志燮,宋仲基,李贞贤,李璟荣,金秀安,尹敬浩,白承哲,姜成澈,金仁宇,朴野性,郑满植,朴正范,金敏载
    • 3.0 已完结 最紧要许冠杰音乐特辑粤语 许冠杰,炎明熹,郑丹瑞
    • 3.0 HD中字 我还好吗 达科塔·约翰逊,水野索诺娅,杰梅因·福勒,科雷西·克莱门斯,莫莉·戈登,Whitmer Thomas,西恩·海耶斯,泰格·诺塔洛,敖德萨·阿德隆,Patrick McDonald,马扬克·巴特,Jess Nurse,艾玛·帕萨罗,Rey Herrera,Victoria Gale,Christina Higa,詹姆斯·亨特,Aly Jade
    • 4.0 HD中字版 猫王 奥斯汀·巴特勒,汤姆·汉克斯,奥利维亚·德容格,海伦·汤姆森,理查德·劳斯伯格,小凯文·哈里森,大卫·文翰,柯蒂·斯密特-麦菲,卢克·布雷西,戴克·蒙哥马利,里昂·福德,加里·克拉克,Yola,娜塔莎·巴塞特,泽维尔·塞缪尔,亚当·杜恩,查尔斯·格朗斯,凯特·马尔瓦尼,加雷斯·戴维斯,尼古拉斯·贝尔,安东尼·费伦,桑德罗·科拉尔利,娜塔莉·巴辛思韦特,马克·伦纳德·温特,休·帕克,克里斯多夫·萨默斯,伊丽莎白·库伦,安琪·米利肯,伊恩·加德纳,梅利纳·维德勒
    • 10.0 HD中字 与爱共舞 娜奥米·阿基,斯坦利·图齐,艾什顿·桑德斯,塔马拉·图尼,娜菲萨·威廉姆斯,克拉克·彼得斯,坦纳·比尔德,汤姆·沃斯,布莱德利·纳迪,克里斯·西德贝里,理查德·康蒂,玛丽·安·绍布,罗布·勒维克,阿德里安·M·蒙波因特,玛塞拉·贾拉米洛,大卫·布肯德尔,兰斯·A·威廉姆斯,纳希姆·加西亚
    • 2.0 更新1 马戏之王 休·杰克曼,米歇尔·威廉姆斯,扎克·埃夫隆,赞达亚,丽贝卡·弗格森,奥丝汀·约翰森,卡梅伦·丝蕾,基拉·塞特尔,萨姆·汉弗莱,叶海亚·阿卜杜勒-迈丁,埃里克·安德森,伊利斯·鲁宾,斯凯勒·杜恩,丹尼尔·埃维里奇,拉杜·斯平格尔,小森优作,丹尼尔·松,保罗·斯帕克斯,威尔·斯文森


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