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    3.0 HD


    • 主演:未知
    • 导演:莱昂诺尔·特莱斯 
    • 分类:剧情片
    • 地区:其它 
    • 年份:2016 
    • 更新:09.11
    • 简介:  "Once upon a time, before people came along, all the creatures were free and able to be with one another", narrates the voiceover. "A



      "Once upon a time, before people came along, all the creatures were free and able to be with one another", narrates the voiceover. "All the animals danced together and were immeasurably happy. There was only one who wasn't invited to the celebration - the frog. In his rage about the injustice, he committed suicide." Something Romani and frogs have in common is that they will never be unseen, or stay unnoticed. In her film, young director Leonor Teles weaves the life circumstance of Romani in Portugal today with the recollections of a yesterday. Anything but a passive observer, Teles consciously decides to participate and take up position. As a third pillar, she establishes an active applied performance art that becomes integrated in the cinematic narrative. Thereby transforming "once upon a time" into "there is". "Afterwards, nothing will be as it was and the melody of life will have changed", explains a voice off-camera.


    • 7.0 TS国语 重生2024 张家辉,阮经天,张榕容,马浴柯,陈国坤,张俪,江易轩,维他亚·潘斯林加姆,纳瑞拉·库尔蒙科尔佩特,高捷
    • 10.0 HD中字 谈判专家2024 刘青云,吴镇宇,刘德华,苗侨伟,姜皓文,彭秀慧,周文健,颜卓灵,杨伟伦,郑则仕,韦罗莎,洪天明,黄德斌,卢惠光,朱柏谦,黄又南,朱鉴然
    • 8.0 HD国语 逆行人生 徐峥,辛芷蕾,王骁,贾冰,冯兵,丁勇岱,丁嘉丽,陈哈琳,邬家楷,刘美含,黄小蕾,于和伟,马东,梁静,张占义,吴彼,周铁男,王啸宇
    • 7.0 更新1080P 如珠如宝的人生(粤) 洪金宝,林敏骢,张继聪,王菀之,林盛斌,恬妞,梁小龙,林雪,泰迪·罗宾,吴耀汉,黄尧,邹文正,杜宇航,邵音音,吴嘉龙,沈震轩,李静仪,庄锶敏,庄韵澄,劳浩羽,顾定轩,卢慧敏,刘芷希,张启乐
    • 2.0 正片 志愿军:雄兵出击 吴京,刘昊然,王砚辉,张译,纪焕博,郭涛,贾冰,肖央,张子枫,辛柏青,李光洁,朱亚文,李乃文,保剑锋,章子怡,王传君,王骁,苏可,魏大勋,段奕宏,张宥浩,魏晨,韩东君,尹昉,刘劲,唐国强,王志文,郎月婷,欧豪,杜江,周政杰,张海宇,张熙然,朱一龙,陈飞宇,王道铁,袁文康,聂远,梁靖康,海清,黄晓明,武大靖,杜淳,林永健,安荣生,郭晓峰,郭晓东,陈伟栋,张颂文,李佳航,任重,李卓阳,李雪健,王伍福,王乃训,唐曾,王阳,李感,赫子铭,史彭元,叶禾,赵波,邓英,苏豪,张跃,王楷勝,文益铭
    • 2.0 更新1 马戏之王 休·杰克曼,米歇尔·威廉姆斯,扎克·埃夫隆,赞达亚,丽贝卡·弗格森,奥丝汀·约翰森,卡梅伦·丝蕾,基拉·塞特尔,萨姆·汉弗莱,叶海亚·阿卜杜勒-迈丁,埃里克·安德森,伊利斯·鲁宾,斯凯勒·杜恩,丹尼尔·埃维里奇,拉杜·斯平格尔,小森优作,丹尼尔·松,保罗·斯帕克斯,威尔·斯文森


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