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    • 梦想创未来第7集
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    6.0 更新至9集


    • 主演:内详 
    • 导演:内详 
    • 分类:剧情片
    • 地区:法国 
    • 年份:2016 
    • 更新:02.22
    • 简介:DREAM THE FUTURE transports us to the year 2050 by introducing us to the dreamers around the globe that are already building the future. Through them,



    DREAM THE FUTURE transports us to the year 2050 by introducing us to the dreamers around the globe that are already building the future. Through them, we discover the scientific and technological innovations set to revolutionize daily life for the better over the next 30 years.   Each episode addresses a single issue affecting us all.   In the company of world-renowned experts, it examines the current situation and presents the major trends that will shape life in the future.   To illustrate each trend, one or several dreamers show us how their astonishing and spectacular projects satisfy the challenges of tomorrow and, in so doing, prove that the future is already underway.   Rich with popular references, each episode also compares science fiction fantasy with technological reality.   Finally, celebrity figures join in to share their dreams and visions.   The series reveals the passion, enthusia求爱 and creativity of the dreamers determined to change the world.


    • 7.0 正片 源生罪 任达华 , 陈紫萱 , 吴卓羲 , 张建声 , 黄天翱
    • 3.0 正片 追龙番外之十亿探长(粤语) 王浩信,徐冬冬,云千千,郑则仕,李子雄,周俊伟,尹扬明,林子善
    • 10.0 HD国语|粤语 毒舌律师 黄子华,谢君豪,王丹妮,廖子妤,王敏德,何启华,杨偲泳,栢天男,林保怡,谷德昭,罗孝勇,莫然,徐浩昌,洪林小湛,韩毓霞,麦子云,甄懋强,陈郁宪,周志辉,麦振江
    • 4.0 HD国语 何以当归 内详
    • 3.0 HD 抬头见喜 王鹤棣,潘斌龙,龚蓓苾,黄小蕾,王迅,蒋易,罗京民,李胤维,,张雅钦,付航,庄则熙,姜宏波,傅迦,任安妮,田俊虹,马松林,韩彦博,罗辑,大成,小鹏,代古拉,李赫,陈禹昊,韩卓希,魏翔,刘亚津,蒋诗萌,潇潇,牵然熊,敖昕,伍子圣,龚语心,高梓怡,陈哈琳,关博仁,高霂琰,崔宸懿,王戈,小爱,吴小涵,湛佳明,尧洋,王勉,媛梦,于山川,谢亚梅,邱运鹄,何昕霖,叶浏,李宗恒,满舒克,张潮,杨涵斌,王亚军,高可,张百乔,张同学,章博宇,娜吉玛,周宇,李卓尧
    • 1.0 6集全 美丽美利坚 迈克尔·B·乔丹


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