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      Three illegal drug dealers launched out on a voyage in a homemade submarine. The submarine worked well initially, but it started to malfunction. In attempting to reduce the weight somehow, they were investigating the cargo section when they discovered a young female, Reina, hidden there, and she looked appalling. As the situation gets worse, the tensions among the three men are heightened, and in the midst of this, Reina attempts to escape, but she has nowhere to go in the endless open sea.  With an unusual setting of the submarine, where nothing can be seen other than the horizon, Submersible captures the tension of the conflicts between the characters and their struggle for survival, while the submarine environment itself arouses extreme claustrophobia and anxiety. The top star from Columbia, Natalia Reyes, who attracted the worldwide film industry’s attention with Ciro Guerra’s Birds of Passage (2018), and made her Hollywood debut in Terminator: Dark Fate (2019), once again draws attention in her role as Reina. (Jin PARK)


    • 9.0 HD国语|粤语 九龙城寨之围城 古天乐,洪金宝,任贤齐,林峯,刘俊谦,黄德斌,伍允龙,胡子彤,张文杰,廖子妤,郭富城,蔡思韵,黄梓乐
    • 8.0 HD 异域狼孩 王洪祥,张集骏,岳冬峰,张喜来,张和利
    • 7.0 HD中字 怒潮2023 张家辉,阮经天,王大陆,秦沛,马浴柯,陈国坤,连凯,吴启华,李相炫,陈晓依,何昕霖,姜皓文
    • 10.0 正片 比佛利山超级警探4 艾迪·墨菲 , 祖德·莱茵霍尔德 , 约瑟夫·高登-莱维特 , 约翰·阿什顿 , 泰勒·佩姬 , 凯文·贝肯 , 保罗·雷瑟 , 布隆森·皮诺切特 , 帕特里夏·贝尔彻 , 詹姆斯·普雷斯顿·罗杰斯 , Sarah Abrell , Sarah Stark , 乔瓦尼·克鲁兹 , 苏姗妮·福特 , 贾斯汀·皮尔斯 , Naomi Phan , Chiyeko Jones , Joseph Aviel , Michael Camp , Sara Holden
    • 3.0 更新1080P 黑金(国) 刘德华,梁家辉,孙佳君,吴辰君,郭静纯,钮承泽,赵文瑄,李立群,金士杰,郎雄
    • 6.0 超清 叶问外传:张天志 张晋,戴夫·巴蒂斯塔,柳岩,杨紫琼,托尼·贾


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