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      Comrade Draculich is a romantic vampire tale set in the cold war era. In the early 70's, Fabian the vampire returns home to the People's Republic of Hungary from the imperialist west, and immediately becomes a target of the communist secret police. During surveillance, love unfolds between the vampire and Maria, the young female comrade, who is assigned to spy on the mysterious stranger. She must make a choice between a monster and the regime that exploits her. This satirical love story mixes elements of spy and vampire movies. Through its depiction of the paranoid Hungarian communist regime, it reflects on our present, where surveillance is a global concern.


    • 6.0 HD粤语 红毯先生 刘德华,单立文,瑞玛·席丹,余伟国,宁浩,林熙蕾,梁家辉,杨千嬅,王晶,张子贤,刘漪琳,周炜,孙阳,薛宝鹤,马东
    • 3.0 正片 百星贺喜 刘嘉玲,任达华,卫诗雅,王菀之,姜皓文,方力申,林盛斌,唐诗咏,谢贤,容祖儿,欧阳靖,邓丽欣,泳儿,阮兆祥,罗兰,薛家燕,鲍起静,詹瑞文,邵音音,谢君豪,卢海鹏,钟舒漫,麦子乐,苏丽珊,麦明诗,邓梓峰
    • 2.0 正片 动物园里有什么? 魏翔,潘斌龙,贾冰,包贝尔,王千源,梁颂晴,宋晓峰,常远,吴云飞,Liancheng Hong,何雪晴,王玥婷,西门飘飘,徐志胜,孟奥,赵偲岐,蒋一帆
    • 5.0 1080p 查理与巧克力工厂 约翰尼·德普
    • 5.0 HD国语版 宝贝快跑 李威,刘玥霏,戴春荣,宗峰岩,刘乃艺,牛犇,王娅楠,王皓
    • 7.0 HD 春娇救志明粤语 余文乐,杨千嬅,蒋梦婕,曾国祥,秦沛,邵音音,王晓晨,司徒慧焯,谷德昭,谷祖琳,陈逸宁,闫汶渲,林兆霞,李程彬,欧铠淳,林海峰,森美,吴岱融,陈意岚,邹凯光,周俊伟,陈静,麦芷谊,郭奕芯,李拾壹,关逸基,廖子妤,袁澧林,田启文,连诗雅,黄文慧,彭浩翔


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