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    • 明星
    3.0 超清




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    In this unreal walk through the streets of Paris, Marie (Bulle Ogier), a woman convicted of robbing a bank is just out from prison when she runs into Baptiste (Pascale Ogier) a young paranoid needing panionship, and the two team up for awhile. Marie's former boyfriend (Pierre Clementi) supplies them with a strange map of the city, suspicious because he keeps files on political figures that may be somehow linked to the map. A gangster nicknamed "Max" begins to track Marie and the already paranoid Baptiste, causing Marie to examine the map as though it held the clue to which sides of the city were "safe" and which were not. As the two women attempt to outsmart Max and unknown gangsters, they try to figure out the map - a task made all the more difficult by Baptiste's tendency to violent rushes of adrenaline and Marie's overworked imagination (a dragon at the North Bridge is a threat until Baptiste screams him down). Between the dragon and their own demons, Marie and Baptiste face frightening odds against ing out of this misadventure intact. ~ Eleanor Mannikka, Rovi


    • 10.0 正片 海狼 上 佩特拉·施密特-夏勒,Martin,弗洛里安·斯泰特,格纳迪·文格洛夫,西蒙·利希特,亨宁·鲍姆
    • 9.0 超清 暗金丑岛君3 山田孝之,绫野刚,本乡奏多,白石麻衣,
    • 3.0 超清 查理与巧克力工厂 约翰尼·德普
    • 4.0 正片 狙击手 陈永胜,章宇,张译,刘奕铁,黄炎,王梓屹,陈铭杨,王乃训,程泓鑫,赵琥成,李汶聪,林博洋,曹操,柯国庆,钱焜,AJ·唐纳利,柯南·何裴,凯文·李,勃小龙
    • 8.0 HD中字版 影武者 仲代达矢,山崎努,萩原健一,根津甚八,大泷秀治,隆大介,油井昌由树,桃井薰,倍赏美津子,室田日出男,志浦隆之,清水綋治,山本亘,杉森修平,音羽久米子,阿藤快,江幡高志,岛香裕,松井范雄,千葉治郎,伊藤荣八,大村千吉,志村乔,藤原釜足,中岛书
    • 2.0 HD国语版 苦菜花 曲云,袁霞,王志刚,杨雅琴,万仓,陶珊,刘抒吟,沈华芬,张怀志,顾岚,谢万和,董元夫,翟春华


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