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    The Vast of Night



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    Set at the dawn of the space-race over the course of one night in 1950s New Mexico, a young switchboard operator and a radio DJ uncover a strange frequency that could change their lives, their 求爱all town, and all of Earth - forever. THE VAST OF NIGHT falls down the rabbit hole of the Twilight Zone and carefully stitches together a narrative scavenger hunt through dropped phone calls, AM radio signals, secret reels of tape forgotten in a library, switchboards, crossed patchlines and an anonymous phone call. With confounding tracking camera work throughout, rapid fire dialogue and period perfect jargon, THE VAST OF NIGHT drops viewers into a time and town hidden away from outsiders. And whose mysteries only present themselves to those curious and patient enough to hear them.


    • 9.0 HD中字 星光继承者:公主反叛联盟 琪娜·安妮·麦克兰,凯莉·坎特罗尔,瑞塔·奥拉,杰里米·斯威夫特,布兰蒂·诺维德,莱昂纳多·吴,蕾切尔·马卡里兰,鲁比·萝丝·特纳,玛利亚·贝克,乔舒亚·科利,梅兰妮·迪恩尼·摩尔,Paolo Montalban,Grace Narducci,茱莉·塞尔达,Alex Boniello,Sam Morelos,Shazia Pascal,达拉·蕾妮,Peder Lindell,Anthony Pyatt
    • 2.0 HD中字 重回1997 赵炳奎,具俊会
    • 8.0 HD 假面骑士55520周年天堂・重获 半田健人,芳贺优里亚,村上幸平,唐桥充
    • 7.0 HD中字 最后的复仇者们2 Justin,Gross,Olivia,d'Abo,Marc,Worden,Andre,Ware,Grey,DeLisle,Nolan,North,David,Boat,Fred,Tatasciore,Michael,Massee,Nan,McNamara,Jim,Ward
    • 3.0 超清 Solar Impact Grace,Dixon,Oliver,Goodwill,Polly,Kilpatrick,Peter,Knight,Gary,Knowles,Natalie,Martins,奥利弗·帕克,Simon,Riordan,Lucy,Southal
    • 1.0 HD中字 美国队长 克里斯·埃文斯,海莉·阿特维尔,塞巴斯蒂安·斯坦,汤米·李·琼斯,雨果·维文,多米尼克·库珀,理查德·阿米蒂奇,斯坦利·图齐,塞缪尔·杰克逊,托比·琼斯,尼尔·麦克唐纳,德里克·卢克,肯尼斯·崔,约翰·约瑟夫·菲尔德,娜塔莉·多默尔


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