简介:可爱的小女孩莱莉(凯特林·迪亚斯 Kaitlyn Dias 配音)出生在明尼苏达州一个平凡的家庭中,从小她在父母的呵护下长大,脑海中保存着无数美好甜蜜的回忆当然这些记忆还与几个莱莉未曾谋面的伙伴息息相关,他们就是人类的五种主要情绪:乐乐(艾米·波勒 Amy Poehl er 配音)、忧忧(菲利丝·史
简介:Dante has a beautiful relationship with his girlfriend Alice, but he has a bad one with Time: absorbed by the many commitments of his daily life, he a
简介:《众神与将军》(Gods and Generals)名为《葛底士堡》的续集,其实是一部前传,算是赶了当今前传续拍的潮流本片几乎完全由《葛底士堡》原班人马演出,只不过扮演传奇李将军的,已由马丁·辛改为另一奥斯卡级的老演员罗伯特杜瓦尔担任,而导演、摄影等幕后人员则基本不变,因而可以推断是和《葛底士堡》同
简介: Dante has a beautiful relationship with his girlfriend Alice, but he has a bad one with Time: absorbed by the many commitments of his daily life, he