简介: This matter-of-fact drama follows three queer Toronto kids whose friendship is tested over one pivotal summer by divided loyalties, differing social
简介: Ewan McGregor impresses in Niclas Larsson's star-studded psychological indie drama based on Jerker Virdborg's novella. Three siblings converge in a
简介: 改遍自Jeff Hobbs的传记作品《The Short and Tragic Life of Robert Peace》 这本书的主人公是一个新泽西州纽瓦克贫民窟里长大的男孩子,名叫罗伯特皮斯。他被耶鲁大学生物学专业录取,却在三十岁的时候,在贩毒帮派的斗殴中暴死街头。故事以罗伯特的耶鲁室友为