简介: Story of a wealthy prince who travels to the US to live as an exchange student. While living in anonymity, the prince strikes up an unlikely friends
简介:After a woman enrolls in an auto racing school, her mentally unstable instructor falls in love with her and tries to roll over everybody in her life.
简介: Students who are faced with completing their seven-year-long degree program or staying one night in an infamous haunted house to graduate early, som
简介: Ewan McGregor impresses in Niclas Larsson's star-studded psychological indie drama based on Jerker Virdborg's novella. Three siblings converge in a
简介:特雷西(萝拉·科克 Lola Kirke 饰)是一名平凡的女大学生,落在人群之中毫不起眼。一成不变的生活和日复一日平淡令特雷西的内心备受煎熬,她一直向往着能够前往纽约生活,在她的内心里,纽约这座灯红酒绿的大城市代表着更多的希望和更璀璨的未来。  终于有一天,特雷西的梦想要成真了。她联系上了