简介:洛杉矶的年轻人都热衷于街头赛车,在这里,只要你拥有速度,你就拥有一切。新晋警官布赖恩(保罗?沃克 Paul Walker 饰)为了破获最近屡屡发生的飞车党劫车案而充当卧底,打入这里活跃的飞车党帮派中,搜集证据以期将罪犯乘之于法。布赖恩凭借高超的车技很快赢得了飞车党老大多米尼克(范?迪塞尔 Vin D
简介: A listless young man, upon learning he is ill, leaves his job, girlfriend and city behind, and ventures alone into the British Columbia interior, br
简介: A listless young man, upon learning he is ill, leaves his job, girlfriend and city behind, and ventures alone into the British Columbia interior, br
简介:本片描述的「邪乎乐园」是由吸血鬼法兰西(Francis Von Bloodt)一手经营的主题乐园,他聘僱的员工都是些狼人、吸血殭尸、木乃伊和恶魔等......与黑魔法有关的生物,某天一个名叫阿克(Hector)的年轻稽查员来访告知「邪乎乐园」不安全必须歇业,法兰西为保住事业咬了阿克,将他变成吸血鬼,