简介: The story revolves around the clash between Ayyappan, a senior police officer who serves at the Attappadi Police Station and Havildar Koshi, who com
简介: A cautionary tale told in three contradicting accounts; this is a story of a broadcasting student who discovers the shady truth about the TV reporte
简介:瓦尔(蕾吉娜·卡塞 Regina Casé 饰)是一名保姆,在法比尼奥(迈克尔·乔尔萨斯 Michel Joelsas 饰)家任职长达十三年之久,虽然稳定的工资令她的日子越过越好,但这也意味着,瓦尔已经十三年没有见过自己远在他乡的女儿杰西卡(卡米拉·马蒂拉 Camila Márdila 饰)了。&n