简介:Barnaby and DS Ben Jones investigate the death of Simon Bright who is found dead inside an old World War II vintage Humber parked at an abandoned airf
简介:自2002年加入美国海军陆战队,爱国青年杰克·卡特(Mike The Miz Mizanin 饰)从戎十年,在世界各地饱经磨练。这一天,杰克终于迎来久违的假期,回到阔别已久的故乡布里奇顿,见到了两个妹妹:离婚归家的阿曼达(凯米勒·苏利文 Camille Sullivan 饰)和正处在青春叛逆期的丽丽
简介:近未来,法国巴黎黑势力横行,以大毒枭塔哈(Bibi Naceri 饰)为首的黑帮更是横行无忌,连当地警方都惧怕三分。软弱的警方无法对抗势力强悍的黑帮,只能用围墙和工事将不法分子所在的区域隔离。在这个被称为“13区”的地方,鱼龙混杂,暗流涌动。年轻的小混混雷托(David Belle 饰)拒绝塔哈的毒
简介:Olivia Novak returns with a new generation of lawyers in STREET LEGAL, a character-driven legal drama that follows the professional and private lives
简介:A terrible event leads an investigator in Paris to come back to his birth town ten years after leaving it, where he has to confront the ghosts of his