简介: Follows a tutor who, after being assigned an unexpected task at a mansion, finds himself struggling with the obsessions of his student, who threaten
简介: Following the extraordinary story of one ordinary couple, as they fall in love and discover that the single greatest obstacle to finding happiness t
简介:朱丽安娜·玛格丽丝将主演迷你剧《热点地区》(The Hot Zone,暂译)。剧集改编自理查德·普雷斯顿所著的有关埃博拉病毒及其对人类影响的畅销书。1989年,埃博拉病毒突然出现在华盛顿郊区一个科学实验室的黑猩猩身上,且当时并没有已知的治疗方法。英勇的美军兽医(玛格丽丝饰)与一支秘密军事特警队合作,
简介: A holiday turns from heaven to hell in a second. Keeley Hawes stars in this nail-biting thriller about a luxurious resort thrown unexpectedly into h
简介:阿黛尔·艾克萨勒霍布洛斯、诺亚·阿比塔([艾娃])、穆斯塔法·因宾格([阿敏])格将主演蕾雅·梅西斯([艾娃])执导的第二部长片[五个恶魔](Les Cinq Diables,暂译)。影片由梅西斯与保罗·圭哈姆共同执笔,故事围绕7岁的女孩维琪展开。她与父母住在法国的一个小山村,毗邻一个被称为“五个恶