简介: 身经百战的克里斯下士(Josh Kelly 饰)晋升为小队的指挥官,该小队的下一个任务是给位于塔利班控制边缘地区的前线哨所提供补给。当车队行经敌对的赫尔德曼省时,他们遇到了寻求帮助的海豹突击队,双方将合作完成一项重要任务——护送一名因反抗塔利班而闻名的妇女逃离该国... 没有坦克装甲车和空中支
简介: Faith has it all as a mother and wife, but a year after what she believes was a car accident, Faith discovers that she is an Army special ops lieute
简介: Britain’s most notorious gangsters, The Kray twins have gained legendary infamy for their brutal reign over 1960s London, which continues to fascina