简介: Troubled by bouts of sleepwalking and disturbing nightmares, graduate student Sarah Foster goes to her university sleep research center for help. Bu
简介:The series follows four young nurses working on the frontlines of St. Judes hospital dedicating their lives to helping others, while figuring out how
简介:影片聚焦苏格兰精神病专家罗纳德·戴维·莱因(R. D. Laing),他对患有精神障碍病症的患者采用了多种勇敢大胆的治疗方式,在60年代获得了极高的赞誉。他创造了将麦角酸酰二乙胺融入实验中、最终形成一种名叫“Metanoia”治愈形式的革新方法,在当时的医疗界引起轩然大波及无数论战,也彻底地改变了人